كالاماتا أنصاف
Kalamata Halfes
Appearance : Black olives, naturally ripe, of uniform size, with typical Kalamata variety shape, of natural fermentation, free of Dacus or other signs of fly infections.
Color : Dark brown, purple, black typical of olives naturally ripen and fermented in brine.
Odor :Fruity, typical of naturally ripen and fermented olives.
Taste : Fruity, typical of naturally ripen and fermented Kalamata olives, slightly salty, without off flavors of side fermentation (zapateria, butyric, decayed egg, etc.).
Texture : Firm, fleshy but not crunchy texture, with stone.
size : 141/160, 161/180, 181/200, 201/220, 221/240, 241/260
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