Spring's Kiss Awakens the Olive Grove: A Time for Renewal and Care

As the chill of winter recedes, the olive grove embarks on a season of renewal. Springtime heralds the reawakening of the grove, showcasing its vibrant beauty.
With the advent of March, olive trees commence their vegetative revival, unfurling new leaves distinguished by their fresh green hue. The grove's most striking transformation is the emergence of delicate buds, poised to blossom into the olive's signature flowers.
Olive Blossoms: A Fragile Beauty
Known by various names—rapa, trama, esquimo—olive flowers are unique in their communal bloom, clustering in groups ranging from 10 to 40. Each bloom features four robust, white petals arranged in a cruciform pattern. The full bloom of these esquimos is a spectacle reserved for the warmth of May.
Caring for the Olive Grove in Spring
The diligence of olive farmers is pivotal during spring. This season is prime for nurturing the grove to yield the finest olives. Key tasks include fertilization, irrigation, and fertigation—an integrated approach combining the first two.
Moreover, safeguarding the grove against pests and diseases is crucial, employing pesticides and other protective measures. Equally important is weed control; unchecked weeds can deplete soil moisture, jeopardizing the olive trees' hydration. These springtime practices are vital for maintaining the health and productivity of the olive grove.